branding, visual identity, communication strategy, website development, social media, digital marketing

Salon 5

Client: Salon 5, fine dining restaurant in Belgrade
Services: It's our brand. Which makes us both the client and the agency. Oops.
Years: 2014 - ongoing

Salon 5
branding, visual identity, website development

We've opened Salon 5 in 2014 as an alternative to Belgrade’s current restaurant offering, serving the finest Italian cuisine in a refined and intimate atmosphere. All our dishes are prepared using only high-quality fresh ingredients, carefully nuanced in the hands of masters whose dexterity on the grill is measured in split seconds. 

food photography, photo ad, Salon 5
food photography, photo ad, Salon 5 dish
branding, visual identity, business_card
food photography, photo ad, Salon 5 dish
food photography, photo ad, Salon 5 dish
branding, visual identity, communication strategy, typography
food photography, photo ad, Salon 5 dish